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Obamacare Take 2: Many Are Unaware of Open Enrollment

If the initial rollout last year of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, was an acknowledged disaster, the second-year rollout may be a "no-show." So reports MSN.

While open enrollment resumes this month for 2015 coverage, an October poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation indicates that most respondents are not even aware it is happening.

Among currently uninsured individuals who took the survey, two-thirds knew little or nothing of the exchanges where they can purchase health insurance, while more than half have no idea that federal subsidies are available to low- and moderate-income consumers.

An even more surprising finding is the level of respondent knowledge about the ACA being flat over a year ago–this despite a months-long media barrage of stories (both positive and negative) this year and an extension of the first enrollment period through mid-April.

This year's sign-up window will be just three months, from November 15--February 15, 2015. Perhaps not surprisingly, Obamacare wasn't top-of-mind for today's mid-term elections: It ranked in importance below the economy, dissatisfaction with government, and the Middle East turmoil.

Read the full article from MSN.

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