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Internet, Email Are Making Workers More Productive: Survey

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center of employed adults (full- or part-time) on how technology impacts their work yielded some interesting results.

For one, nearly half of respondents (46%) report that using the Internet, email and cell phones have made them more productive on the job, with just 7% indicating a drop in productivity. While sizable majorities cite the importance of the Internet (61%) and email (54%) in doing their jobs effectively, 35% of Internet users still rely on landline phones, whereas roughly a quarter (24%) indicate that mobile or smartphones are more important to their jobs.

Perhaps most surprisingly, only 4% of the working adults surveyed feel that social networking sites (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) play an important role in their day-to-day jobs. Not unexpectedly, respondents indicate that their employers now take more of an interest as well in how staffers use the Internet and what they post online: 46% report that their companies block access to certain websites and have rules about online presentation. This latter figure has more than doubled since Pew first asked the question in 2006.

Read the full post from the Pew Research Internet Project.

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