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As Hurricane Season Kicks Off, Is Your Firm Prepared?

This week marks the official onset of hurricane season in the U.S. With the unmitigated disaster that was Hurricane Sandy in 2012 still fresh in people's memories – and the colossal clean-up up and down the East Coast far from completed – organizations need to make sure they are prepared in the event of another catastrophic weather event. So reports SHRM.

Even though the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association is predicting a "below-normal" season for named storms, all it takes is one disaster to close businesses indefinitely, if not permanently. Twenty years prior to Sandy, only one hurricane made landfall in 1992, but it was a Category 5 whopper (Hurricane Andrew) causing $26.5 billion in damage and killing 26 people.

Do you have a communications plan for your employees and customers? Adequate data-backup in the event of a power failure? The capability to relocate your employees should it become necessary? Check out this SHRM article for some handy reminders to keep your company prepared.

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