Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 41 seconds

The 'Highest, Hardest Glass Ceiling' of All

 It's become, if not a cliché, then at least a time-honored expression when discussing the upward trajectory of women in the business world over the past four decades: breaking – or even cracking – the "glass ceiling" that has made female executives work and fight twice as hard as their male counterparts to strive for the same level of success. So reports the Miami Herald.

And just as with every other ethnic or otherwise disadvantaged faction of the workplace, change eventually permeates our society. But, its pace can be glacially slow and transcend generations. Interesting, then, to hear arguably one of America's most accomplished women talking about the ultimate glass ceiling as it relates to politics – and whether she will be the one to finally smash it for good.

Read the full article from the Miami Herald.

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