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With Cubicles on the Way Out, Who Needs to Sit?

Sitting behind a desk all day long has been getting a bad rap in the last few years. Some healthcare professionals and ergonomic specialists have gone on record insisting that "sitting is the new smoking" – citing research indicating a rise in diseases associated with sedentary lifestyles, including heart disease, strokes, Type 2 diabetes, and even depression. So reports the Huffington Post.

So-called "standing desks" and suggestions for office workers to be more mobile in the course of the work day are all over the Internet. Now a rather futuristic art installation in Holland offers a glimpse at the office of the future, where office denizens won't have the option of sitting down at all.

Dubbed "The End of Sitting," the show was created by a self-styled Dutch "experimental studio" Rietveld Architecture-Art-Affordances and a visual artist, who collaborated to create a radical type of office landscape that affords individuals spaces in which to stand, lean, and even lie down on the job – virtually any conceivable position except conventional sitting. The pictures show samples of what a post-post-modern office may look like someday.

Read the full article from the Huffington Post.

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