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Let Your Employees Review You in 2015

Tis the season for performance reviews. Here’s a suggestion for a 2015 resolution to improve them: Let your employees provide you with feedback about your performance as a manager. So reports

It can easily dovetail your own evaluations of how they do their jobs, and might give you both ideas on room for improvement. Here are some reasons why so-called “360 reviews” may make you a better manager:

  • Asking your staffers what they like and don’t like about their jobs can help you keep them happy – and reduce company turnover.
  • Fostering open and honest communication with direct reports lets them know your door is open and that you’re willing to listen to them, and even make changes.
  • While you’re offering areas for growth to your people, ask them how you can grow as a manager and a leader. Also encourage them to let you know what you’re doing right.
  • Give your employees the opportunity to tell you what they’d like to see done differently in the department, or the company as a whole. Your team can be a source of untapped ideas you haven’t yet considered, and their input may make your performance more effective.

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