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45 Years On, What Color Is Your Parachute, Anyway?

For more than four decades, it’s been a Holy Grail of sorts for job-seekers, and especially people looking to change careers and listen to their “inner recruiter.” Perhaps not surprisingly, the best-selling book, 'What Color Is Your Parachute?' was initially created as a pamphlet for author Richard Bolles’ fellow unemployed Episcopal priests who wanted to transition to secular society, as he had. So reports

In an ironic twist that may have served as an unintended marketing boon, the book went into mass publication and started to catch on among job-hunters, recruiters and corporate executives just as the country’s “stakeholder-in-chief,” President Richard Nixon, was about to find himself unemployed in the wake of the Watergate scandal.

But now considered a non-fiction classic, in its 43rd printing and its author closing in on 90 years of age, “Parachute” and its out-of-the-box approach to helping people identify their core strengths and transferable skills manages to stay relevant.

Discussing CVs in the digital and social-media age, Bolles observes in the current edition: “…That was nice. But now those days are gone forever. Since 2008, and even before, there’s been a new resume in town, and it’s called Google.”

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