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Tech CEO Resigns Amid Allegations of Groping Colleague

A Texas technology CEO who distinguished himself as the youngest to graduate from Harvard Law at age 19, is in trouble amid sexual abuse allegations including groping a woman colleague and other offenses. So reports Fortune.

CS DiscoKiwi Camara launched CS Disco, a software application that taps artificial intelligence to help lawyers quickly go through documents and ferret out potential evidence, about 10 years ago and that was valued at $427.58 million. The 39-year-old was being investigated by his own company about allegations of bad behavior while out one night drinking with follow colleagues.

Camara’s former and current staff said he hosted alcohol-driven social events where abuses occurred. On the night he is alleged to have groped the female colleague, witnesses alleged that Camara forcibly shoved food into the young woman’s face and insisted that she eat it “like an animal.”

Camara also is alleged to have hired female receptionists based on appearance. He collected $110 million last year, ranking him among nine other executives who made more than Apple CEO Tim Cook.

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