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Are Multinationals Becoming Less Global Instead?

From corporate boardrooms to business-school classrooms, the talk has been of almost nothing other than "globalization" and "the global economy" for the better part of the past two decades or more. Now a whole school of thought – aided by research findings by some of the leading consulting firms – that so-called "multinational" companies are actually becoming more parochial and focused in their native countries rather than expanding their reach internationally. So reports The Economist.

The smart money these days, in terms of worldwide growth, is on emerging economies. Yet, a dwindling number of chief executives and senior managers at Fortune 500 companies are foreign-born nationals, and way fewer U.S. firms sponsor ex-pat stints overseas than they once did.

The reasons aren't totally clear, but what is clear is the potential for negative impacts on metrics like productivity, creativity, and even career growth in organizations that seem to be turning inward.
Read the full article from The Economist.

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